We are in the third phase of the lockdown in India. What is the situation and what is the effect on Norwegian businesses? Our speakers for this online meeting is Norwegian Ambassador to India Hans Jacob Frydenlund, Managing Director in Jotun India Kristine A. Leach and CEO in GC Rieber Compact India Morten Hansen.
The lockdown in India is extended and in this third phase, 3.-18. May, the country is divided into red, orange and green zones with slightly different restrictions. Irrespective of the zones, strict measures are continued. As examples, all movement in air, rail, metro and interstate road – remain closed.
Date: 14. May
Time: 12.30 – 13.15 CET
Place: Zoom Webinar
- Hans Jacob Frydenlund, Norwegian Ambassador to India
- Kristine A. Leach, Managing Director, Jotun India / Chair NBAI
- Morten Hansen, CEO Compact India
We have asked the Norwegian Ambassador to India Hans Jacob Frydenlund for an update on the situation in India -seen from our Embassy in Delhi.
JotunĀ“s Managing director, Kristine A. Leach, is also Chair in NBAI, that has performed a survey towards Norwegian Businesses in India – about business during Lockdown 3.0. She will share this experience with us.
Morten Hansen, is CEO in GC Rieber Compact India, a manufacturer of special therapeutic foods for malnourished children. He will share experience on how the company was able to resume its operations as an essential products provider, which challenges they faced and how Compact now has stable operations.
This online meeting is moderated by NICCI board member Vineet Jain, CEO Glocal View.
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This online member meeting is exclusively for NICCI members and guests invited for this particular meeting. If you are not yet a member of NICCI, you can apply to join the Norway-India business community here…